Christmas Competition 2022
Members, a festive poem:
Twas some weeks before Christmas
And all through the club
Not a creature was stirring
except me in the pub.
Sat typing away
With steely ambition
To gently remind you of
our Christmas competition.
This Tuesday night
The sheet opens at 8
(And most will complain
that’s too early, or late)
And as always it opens
For members online
This Thursday… as normal…
in the morning… at 9.
Mens Betterball Pairs
On the 4th December
9am Shotgun
Open to a 7 day member.
Then drinks post round
With us all in the bar
Prizes given out watching the last 16 in Qatar.
So please put your names down
Win some wine, whisky or gin
Then stay in the clubhouse
Drink the Christmas month in.
What’s there to lose?
Absolutely nothing
Unless you’re the pair that walks off with the stuffing.
I thank you.
Christmas Competition
9am Shotgun start – 4th December 2022 – Pairs Betterball
Early start sheet opens up this Tuesday, 22nd November, 8pm and goes live online 24th November, Thursday morning, 9am.
Competition will be closed and prizes will be awarded in the bar immediately after the competition ends. Prizes include Vouchers, bottles of wine, whisky, gin etc for winners and, as always, bottom placed pairing walks home with the infamous Paxo!
Thanks all
Matt Greaves, Competitions Poet Laureate