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Competitions News 11th July 2023


Thank you all for your support for this weekends Professionals Day competition. All the scorecards have been processed and passed over to Fin to finalise the many prizes for the day. You’ll be hearing the results very soon!

I know I’ve mentioned this before but putting your name down for a competition is a really basic commitment for you to play on the day. Should you be unsure as to whether you can play or not, simply don’t put your name down on the sheet! If you have to pull out, please let me know so I can rearrange the sheet if needed.

Also, I’ve had a few comments from people regarding the payout amounts for competitions, especially 2’s, as in what the amounts are. Rather than post the sheets up on the competitions board, in the traditional fashion, I’ve set up a ‘Competitions Winnings Forms’ folder up in the documents section of ClubV1. Once the balance sheet is completed for each competition, the sheets will be posted in this folder so all members will be able to see winnings and monetary amounts for prize winners.

Seniors News

The weather is still playing its part and it’s great weather to be playing golf so get out there before it changes.

Congratulations to the winners of last week’s Presidents Trophy played last Monday 3rd July.

Winners 18-Hole:
Division 1: 1st Ralph Neale 41 pts 2nd Stanley Price 39 pts on c/back
Division 2: 1st David Holtham 43 pts ( Winner of Trophy). 2nd Charles Jordan 42 pts on c/back

Winners 9-Hole:
Division 1: 1st Graham Yardley 21pts 2nd Robert Round 19pts

Thank you to all the entrants and for your continued support.

Forthcoming fixtures:

July Medal 10/07/2023
Seniors Captains Shield 14/07/2023
Yellow Ball Competition 24/07/2023

Thanks everyone