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Competitions News – 30.11.2022


Just a very short notice to put out. The draw has been made for this Sunday’s Christmas competition and is accessible on Club V1. Please have a look to see what tee you’re starting from as, REMEMBER, it’s a shotgun start from 9am.

As it’s a shotgun, the clubhouse is kindly opening up from 7.30 to sort all of our breakfasts out. Please come up and have a good fry up to get you in the mood to take the course apart and do all you can to avoid the last man Paxo. Also, remember that the prize giving takes place straight after the comp in the bar so you might need to book a taxi!

Senior’s Section:
The last Senior’s Competion of 2022 is just around the corner. The 9-hole ‘festive hat’ fun Competition scheduled for this coming Friday 2nd December. There are places still available so put your name down, get your festive hat from the loft, dust it down and if you have the  best hat, Santa may give you an early Christmas present!
The bar staff are judging the festive hats so please make yourself known to them.
Once again thank you for your continued support.
Thanks all
Matt Greaves