Course maintenance update
Planned aeration works w/b 8th April
Just a brief note this week to confirm that aeration work will be carried out next week in spite of the recent wet weather. The pedestrian ProCore will be used to solid tine putting greens and tees. This process allows these surfaces to recover better from the saturating rain that could otherwise lead to poor turf health.

This work will be carried out by the greens staff on a hole-by-hole basis. Please be mindful of them whilst playing and observe signage on tees requesting you play to either a temporary green or to move to the next hole.
Work on 10th path begins
As described in the last update the back 9 will have sections of path placed on particularly wet areas throughout the year. This work has begun over the road on the 1oth. Please take care around this area when playing.
New starter joins the team for the season
Following a short probationary period we are delighted to introduce you all to Tom Lennon our newest recruit to the greens team. Tom has grown up playing and practising here at Hagley and Halesowen GCs. A single figure player with a passion for the game and a career in green keeping we hope you will all welcome him as he continues his journey with us this season.