Course Update
Considering that September was the wettest on record and since then, we have seen 4-major storm systems hit the UK bringing heavy rainfall and high winds, the course has been playable for much of the winter, so far and, at times been playing well. It is my view that the Greens team have completed a great deal of work (some as detailed below), much in accordance with the desires of greens committee and to a very high level.
While, when possible, we have continued mowing fairways and roughs with the Ventrac and greens / tee’s with the hand mowers. More recently, again, cut all areas of the course and spiked greens while the weather allowed us to do so. We are all aware that work on the course can be dictated by the weather, so it is nice to see the progress that we have made this winter.
The heavy rains have caused a major collapse of the drainage system in two areas, these being by the pond on the R/H side of the 2nd fairway and on the L/H side of access road from the range area onto the 10th fairway. A quote has come in for the work on the 2nd and if approved by course ownership, this will predicate playing the 2nd as a Par 3 for probably 5-days (Mon – Fri), hopefully this can be done before the playing season. The work on the access road needs to be assessed professionally and quoted for. This is the road where we would use to bring on very heavy equipment / trucks, in its current condition, we are not able to use it for these vehicles.
Some of the work that the Greens team have been working on this winter is: –
Winter Tees
It is our desire to have a ‘winter’ course measured in the Spring, so we are able to use it for qualifying purposes. In view of this, it was requested that all winter teeing areas be replaced or refurbished. This work started late autumn, and I believe all but a small number (I do not know exact number) have either been finished or in construction. I am aware of new/refurbed tee’s on, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17 and 18, with 8 and 14 currently in construction. The rest will be completed by the desired time. I will also state that the work that is being carried out is to a very high level and these tee’s made to last, as shown below.

Most of the work has been completed on the 2nd, with some minor re-turfing to be done and filled with sand. The restructure and landscaping of the 3rd green has been completed, but recently this has stalled to resolve a minor discrepancy. The bunker has come in 2 metres from the left and 1 metre from the right. We have raised the R/H side of the bunker, so no putting out of this bunker now..!! Landscaping has been done to remove the mound on the left. Due to recent rainfall, it will likely be a few more weeks before this bunker is ready for sand. In doing these bunkers ourselves, we have been able to save money and I would like to conduct a full review of bunkers in April, to determine our next priorities.

Removal of Saplings
It has been a desire from greens committee that we look to clear saplings from the course that were starting to impact strokes in certain areas. These were mostly identified around the pools on the 10th / 18th, along with areas in front of 11th and 18th teeing areas. I am pleased that all of this work has been competed (although. I have asked that we go further back on the L/H side of 18th pool. Again, I will say that the work has been done to a very high standard.
Hedge / Tree cutting
While we had the period where the ground was frozen, we were able to get the contractor on the course to cut back the hedge / tree growth from around the perimeter of the course. While I am aware that we experienced some difficulty during this process, and may not have been able to get to all areas that we wanted. I will explore this further with the Greens team.
Secondary drainage
We have conducted some secondary drainage projects (Mole Ploughing) on certain parts of the course and on the 14th Green, these initial trials have proven to be successful, but the condition of the ground is critical for this work to be undertaken. The ground needs to be soft enough underneath for the ‘mole’ to form the channel, while the surface needs to be firm enough for the tractor not to tear up the fairways. I understand that Brian has been looking at a slightly larger ‘mole’ to make it more effective. We all need to be aware, if / when we are more extensive with this type of work, it will cause damage to the surface that will recover over time.

Clearance of drainage ditches
Work has started in clearing leaves from drainage ditches around the course, but I am not aware of the extent of work completed to date. This is on-going work that will be done when equipment is available, and course conditions allow.
There will be another Course Update before the AGM.
Thank you
Greens Chairman, David Wilkes