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Handicap Committee News

Hagley members,

We are sending this message out as some of you may have received an e-mail regarding a change to your handicap index.

As most of you are aware, we as a golf club have had to form a Handicap Committee, under England Golf rules.

One of our important duties as a committee is to periodically review members Handicaps. This is done to ensure that all members handicaps reflect current playing abilities. Within this review, all forms of golf are taken into consideration; Competition Golf, Casual Rounds, Team Events, Matchplay Formats etc.

We have recently carried out a handicap review for the golf club therefore, should you receive an e-mail notifying you of a change in your handicap index, this is the reason why. Any handicap changes are implemented using rule 7.1a which states we must have evidence to cut or give shots back to a members handicap.

Thanks for your support. Enjoy your golf and enjoy working on getting those Handicaps down!

Hagley Golf Club Handicaps Committee