Winter Traffic Policy (Buggies, Personal Buggies and Trollies)
Dear GC Member,
As we are about to enter the winter golf season a reminder of the guidance for use of golf buggies and electric trollies is available at the link below.
In particular we request that those using personal buggies read the note below and all the relevant parts of the Traffic Policy Document. It is very important that if you are using, or intend to use, such a buggy the GC has been properly informed, and the vehicle’s use recorded as described below.
“Any golfer wishing to use a personal ride-on buggy must sign a Golf Buggy Safety Policy Acknowledgment form and provide adequate insurance documentation. Personal Ride-on buggies must be operated in accordance with the requirements of the following documents:
Golf Buggy safety policy (info contained in the Traffic Policy document)
Golf Buggy safe working practice (info contained within the traffic policy document)
Golf Buggy route planner during restricted periods (download the route planner HERE)
Hole-by-hole course risk assessment (download the risk assessment HERE)
Continued updates on planned course improvements and maintenance through winter will be shared with you all soon too.