Team Golf at Hagley GC

Members are all welcome to join the clubs B Team, which plays Home and Away matches between April and September each year.  In total there are approaching 20 games against other local clubs.  The format is Better Ball Pairs and the emphasis is on enjoyment first and foremost.  Matches are usually Thursday afternoons and are followed by either a 2 course meal or a a simpler 1 course alternative.  Players are requested to wear Hagley Team Shirts where possible.
To join, click on the team section in the Club V1 App or approach any committee member in the bar who will help you.  NEW PLAYERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!
Male Members over the age of 55yr’s are all welcome to join the clubs Seniors Team and section ,which plays Home and Away matches between April and September each year.  In total there are over sixteen team games against other local clubs.  The format is Better Ball Pairs and the emphasis is on enjoyment first and foremost.  Matches are usually teeing off at 09.00am and are followed by either a 2 course meal or a a simpler 1 course alternative.  Players are requested to wear Hagley Team Shirts if possible. (Can be purchased via team captain)
To join, click on the team section in the Club V1 App or via  the WhatsApp team or approach any committee member in the bar who will help you. NEW PLAYERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!
WHL Team….
Scratch Team….