To Enter a Competition, use the online booking system V1/Howdidido
Please read the following guidelines:
- The full list of competitions is in the club diary and on Seniors’ website.
- All competitions will be posted online ready for booking your tee time.
- Booking will ‘go live’ 21 days ahead of the Competition date at 8.00am and will remain open until the Competition start time. After this time, you will not be able to alter your booking. If you need to alter your booking when the system is closed, you will have to contact the Competitions Secretary.
- You can enter any competition after ‘going live’ by using the computer in the changing room, or online from your computer, laptop, or phone. The entrance fee will be deducted immediately.
- Please read any notes on the booking screen.
- Any necessary rules of play will be posted on the notice board prior to the competition.
- The final start sheet will be posted on the notice board and online on ClubV1/Howdidido.
- If you need to withdraw, please inform your playing partners and the Competitions Secretary ASAP. You will receive a refund only if you follow these procedures of your decision up to 48 hours prior to the start of the competition or with a valid reason after that time. You may forfeit your entrance fee otherwise.
- At the end of the competition, you must sign your card, enter the score in the computer located in the dressing room and put the card in the Seniors’ slot.
Click HERE for a list of Competitions
Remember – a Senior is any member over the age of 55 years.
On competition day collect your score card and ‘sign in’ at the Pro shop.
Please observe any guidance so you are fully prepared to begin your round.
Exchange cards with one of your playing partners and enter their score and yours appropriately. Mark their score in column A. Mark your score in column D. You both sign the card after the round has finished.
Omission of a correctly filled scorecard may end in disqualification.
Results and winners will be posted on club V1/Howdidido and the Seniors’ notice board following the conclusion of the Competition.
Any questions regarding Competitions please contact me.
Good luck, enjoy the day.
Ray Oldham, Seniors’ Competitions Secretary.